Norma Webb

Nature provides Norma’s favorite subjects close to where she
lives–the beautiful East Bay hills of Northern California.
The lush golden grass, oaks and eucalyptus, ranches and
vineyards, and the shadows of Mt. Diablo have given her inspiration for
years to come. She finds it exciting to be able to share her love for
the area with the viewer of her paintings. Raised in the flat San
Joaquin Valley, a move to the Bay Area 45 years ago changed her outlook
on painting completely.
Norma regrets seeing our beautiful landscapes disappearing
to ‘progress.’ Over the years, she has taken bad snapshots
on roadsides and out of car windows and now finds these faded
photos invaluable in recreating “what once was.” In the meantime, she is
painting as fast as she can to record our beautiful vistas before they
are permanently altered and nothing is left of our landscape to paint
except photos.