ADAS will host the opening of Vision 2013 featuring 48 gallery member artists exhibiting oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, photography, sculpture, ceramic, glass, wearable art, jewelry, and note cards.
The exhibit is curated by ADAS Gallery Show Committee including Debby Koonce and Vicky Richardson.
New Exhibiting Artists: John Kaclick, Jim Luhmann, Michael McCann, Cynthia Pisani, Wenda Pyman, George Rammell, and Stanley Satchell.
Guest Artists:

Gary Leveque will have on display his functional sculpture, The Chess Set which features 36 cast bronze humorous figurines. Each are caricatures of chess pieces. Gary is a highly popular art teacher at Charlotte Wood Middle School in Danville.

Martha Kean, a Danville resident has strong affiliations with Walnut Creek Civic Arts Center, California Association of Clay and Glass Artists and the Lafayette Gallery will exhibit a collection of wheel thrown ceramic tableware.
Participating Artists in Vision 2013
Linda Beach, Juan Cantavella, Barbara Davies, Peter DeFao, Don Eagling, Soussan Farsi, Judy Feins, Jack Garasky, Bobbi Garrop, Lynn Glenn, Beryl Glen-Reiland, Gene Gracey, Janet Groza, Gwen Harris, John Kaclik, Martha Kean, Debby Koonce, Roseann Krane, Walter Krane, Tom Lemmer, Gary Leveque, Jim Luhmann, Andrea Markus, Chikako McCann, Michael McCann, Elena Morris, Massoud Nazeri, Mitchell Neto, Wendy Oliver, Lin Padden, Rich Penny, Harika Piccone, Cynthia Pisani, Jane Postiglione, Wenda Pyman, George Rammell, Vicky Richardson, Michael Rizza, George Robertson, Diane Rodriguez, Betty Rothaus, Stanley Satchell, Nancy Slack, Pat Smith, Kerima Swain, Julia Watada, Norma Webb, Charles White.